Well Folks, I’ve finally found some time to finish my 39”
1/128 scale Moebius Seaview build and I have to say I’m reasonably pleased with
It’s been a fun kit to build and most of the parts fitted
together very well, especially the Flying Sub bay door which, considering its
curved shape clicks fairly safely into place.
Although it’s a reasonably simple kit, assembly in a certain
order does make it easier to deal with the lighting and the painting.
assembled and painted the control room first, followed by the Flying Sub hanger
and lower bow. Moebius do provide a
small plastic hook to attach the Flying Sub in place, but I didn’t think that
was robust enough and looked fiddly, so I preferred to use magnets, one hidden
in the Flying Sub bay circular section, and one in the Flying Sub itself.
The lower bow and control room have quite a few lights, so setting that up was next, ensuring that there was
enough wire to travel the full length of the sub, as when assembled I intended to leave the rear Cadillac fins
loose and fit the battery and switch
beneath it.
I assembled both the front and back sections of the hull,
but didn’t put them together at this point.
The sail and diving planes were next, ensuring the
navigation lights fitted okay. Then I assembled everything apart from the lower
bow which I wanted to leave till last.
After filling and sanding any gap lines, followed by several
priming coats, I applied the final coats of matt white for the bottom of hull
(it is supposed to be camouflage grey according to the instructions , but white
looks okay to me and is a lot easier to find!) and a matt light grey to the
upper hull.
As I chose to build the version of the model that is seen
underwater in the series I wanted to add the darker grey detailing along the
length of the sub which highlights the ballast vents ,sail hatches and the 16 missile aft deck hatch
covers as this colour scheme appears to be more prominent in the underwater
Once I was happy with the finish, I glued the clear plastic windows
in place, obviously making sure they were clean on the inside. I’d already
prepared the Cadillac fins, so all that was left was to fit and glue the lower
bow in place and finish soldering the wiring at the rear of the sub.
Overall, I’m fairly
pleased with it. There’s a couple of lighting issues that I'm not 100% happy
with, LED’s that didn’t work and, although the model gives little other choice
I’m not over keen with the brightness of the fibre optics in the Cadillac fins.
But apart from those minor niggles it’s still an impressive model from Moebius.