While I was sorting through some old boxes, I came across a few toy catalogues from various NZ toy shops that I had saved. Mostly early 1970s. One of these contained a half-page ad featuring the Colour Witch markers and paints.
This is from the Toys Galore Christmas Shopping Guide. There is no date on the cover, but there is a competition inside, with a closing date of December 24th, 1970, so the catalogue must be from 1970.
I never had this set, but I do recall seeing it in the shops, and I think there was a TV ad at the time ?
Colour Witch - The Magic New Way to Paint, by Joyment. The set includes four marker pens in the shape of a witch. I assume the details were applied using a printed paper label ? The colours are Cat's Eyes Green, Invisible, Fiery Orange, and Violent Violet. There is a brush shaped like a witch's broom. Plus four small pots of paint, or cauldron colours. These appear to be yellow, red, blue, and black.
There are two small booklets: The Secret of Colour Witch, and Your Colour Witch Painting Book.
The instructions on the box are too small to read, but it seems from the drawings that you drew a picture with the markers, and when this was dry, applied the paint. The paint did not cover the marker lines.
It seems the Invisible marker allowed you to either write secret messages, which were revealed by painting over the words; or you could mark the areas you wanted left white (assuming you were using white paper), apply the paint, and these areas would resist the paint, allowing the white paper to show through. I think.
In 1970 the NZ price was $4.98, which sounds expensive. In 1974 I could get an Airfix Series 1 kit for 99 cents. A four-engined bomber kit would have been less than the price of this set.
It is very hard to find any information on this painting toy, apart from a previous post on Moonbase Central, and this is everything I have.
Do you remember Colour Witch?
Paul Adams