There aren't many colour variants in the Century 21 PROJECT SWORD toy fleet. The three I can think of which mere mortals like us have a chance of finding are the three red Task Force craft, which have grey undercarraiges as seen in this Canadian collection, which appeared on Ebay some time ago [pictured above and below]. Normally these have red undercarraiges. Have any of you got the 'greys' in your collection?
There is, however, a Century 21 colour variant which is as rare as rocking horse doo doo, the yellow topped- purple undercarraiged and winged Probe Force 3. I have only ever seen one of these beautiful things, which was auctioned by Vectis a few years back, along with a C21 Sam Lovver's Saloon as pictured below. The PF3 came in a standard SWORD box and one wing was damaged.
Fortunately supercollector and friend Ferryman bagged it and it remains within the Moonbase Central community. Here it is in all its yellow and purple glory. What do you think?