In the early 1990's I bought a cheapo space toy set from a discount store in Wakefield near me. It was called Star Adventure and had small space vehicles and little chunky spacemen like a Playmobile chappie.
I had it years before selling it on Ebay and then I forgot about it. I was pleasantly reminded of my old set by this different one which appeared on the 'Bay last month.
This Star Adventure set came with two space jets, a pair of ray guns and an alien. The star of the set though is the 'robot animal', which was described on its listing as a 'baby At-At', which I thought was quite good.
Clearly the alien is the spaceman's buddy like Star Wars' Han and Chewie. Or maybe they are enemies? Anyway this set never appeared in my local discount stores back then so I thought I'd share it now. Despite pushing the Star Wars angle, the Ebay seller didn't get a sale.
The card art looks interesting but I just can't make it out properly. Anyone else got any of these kids' sets?