I had to look twice at this! That yellow handle says Space 1999 to me!
and here's a proper 99 knockoff, the Force!
I had to look twice at this! That yellow handle says Space 1999 to me!
and here's a proper 99 knockoff, the Force!
This is an unusual toy space gun I saw online last year, the US MOON PATROL. It just could be a rubbish photo but the card colour is pink and the the streamlined toy itself black and white.
You appear to get a magnifying glass as well. Why not I say!
What do you think?
I recognised this as soon as I saw it online. A Japanese version of ....
... the 1960's Dr. Who Anti-Dalek Jet Immobiliser toy gun!
This Japanese version is green. My substitute "Billy gun" was blue.
This one is labelled Water Sub Machine Gun on the header ...
and on the toy body as well. Its got a bar code so its not that old.
Image: Bill Everatt
I picked up this old toy water pistol in Germany. I love its simplicity.
A lovely small toy gun with a rotating red top nozzle.
We've seen Rot-a-Matic water pistols before on MC:
The more famous Thunderbirds water pistol.
I like toy guns, I always have but this is really odd. Quite why a Doctor's set would need a handgun is beyond me!
No-one needs feel left out, they come in pink and blue!
For years 3 upwards.
I was impressed with this table full of toy Luger dart guns I saw online.
I've had this book for about 30 years now, Doctor Who The Sixties.
I've always loved the toy section and in particular the Dr. Who toy gun display bottom right.
It was this picture that first gave me the idea to recreate it by making my own toy guns.
and finally, a monochrome pic as it might have appeared in a comic like TV21.
Its New Years Eve in Blighty. I'm thinking about next year's vintage toys already!
Like this! I like this Japanese space toy gun I saw on Buyee.
Its an interesting design and new to me.
Those Daleks don't stand a chance at Christmas. Check out all these Siren Stans, clones and Astro Rays kids got back in the day!
Have you got one? Did you?