There is an unfortunate tradition here in the UK tonight called Mischief Night.
Unlike Halloween, which I have a instinctive like of, Mizzy Night, as it's called round here, is a lame excuse for nocturnal unpleasantness and anti-social antics.
Many windows will be egged this evening and no doubt worse. Moonbase is on High Alert and our Moon Ranger fleet stand at the ready to disperse any yolk-fingered bands of urchins.
Now I have no recollection of Mischief Night whatsoever back in the Sixties and early Seventies when I was kid. I first came across the idea in the Brandon Lee movie The Crow when gangs rampaged the streets of LA. It was called Hell Night and was the night before Halloween.
Mischief Night is the night before Bonfire or Bommy Night here in the UK and as such can trace a heritage of mayhem right back to arch-anarchist himself, Mr. G. Fawkes. Despite this tradition I really dislike the idea of calenderised yobbery akin to The Purge.
I would like to propose that we ditch Mischief Night in favour of a rekindling here in the UK of the European-Scandinavian festival of Walpurgis Night. Usually the last night in April it was traditionally a time of witchcraft and festivity. Oddly enough, Walpurgis or Walpurga was an English saint no less!
What do readers think of Mischief or Hell Night?