Just spotted this very interesting video on You Tube, on the famous BP Autotanker, made by Thompson Brothers (Bilston) Limited. Only one was ever built.
The vehicle had a single entrance in the front, and once again people in the comments section keep saying that if this was blocked in an accident the driver could not get out. Ignoring the three emergency exits in the cab - one on each side, and one in the roof.
These are expressly referred to in the excellent Roy Cross cut-away drawing (I think it might be from the Eagle comic ?). (19) Ladder from cab to roof walkway (also acts as an emergency exit); and (23) Wrap-around windscreen, with sliding side windows doubling as escape hatches.
Matchbox did a die-cast version, although this had single wheels on all four axles - they should be twins on the two rear axles. The video even mentions the use of the model in Stingray and Thunderbirds.
Paul Adams from New Zealand