Like many of you I love Sci-Fi.
But, what can I say about a show we caught this week on Netflix called The Rain. Well, its a Danish Sci-Fi series about a deadly virus thats in the ...rain! Its a great premise and promised much. Or so I thought.
Seldom have I been so incensed by a TV series opener than this. Within the first few minutes I was shouting at the telly 'how can you be so *ing stupid!' Alas, this was only the beginning and after another half an hour I was hoarse from shouting!
Clearly the writers decided that from the off the two main characters would be called Stupid and Moronic. They make Dumb and Dumber look like geniuses! To add a further layer of sheer annoyingness the two main characters are children, one about 6 and the other ... well, a teenager. Enough said!
Why the writing team had to make the youngster and the adolescent quite so lethally imbecilic I cannot fathom. Within minutes people close to them start dying around them and not because of the viral rain. No, its because of their monumentally selfish decisions. I won't expand on who dies just in case you feel the need to torture yourselves with this ordeal.
Trying to understand my anger towards the two children, especially the teenager, I've come to realise that I don't really like them. Teenagers. The girl in the show is portrayed as incompetent and non-resilient, the epitome of the snowflake generation. But my antipathy seems misplaced. I too was a teenager and no doubt just as selfish and irritating to everyone around me back in the 70's. So why this angry am I? I get equally antsy in McDonalds when the entire outlet is staffed by pubescents. There's just something about them.
I wonder if something is going on with Nature here. After all, I am 63 and retired, officially on the scrap heap of Society. Are OAP's and the teenage generation meant to stay apart, to give each other space to do what needs to be done; The Young carrying the torch, the old, like me, passing it on and basically slowly passing away! Never the twain shall meet [unless you're a teenager's parent or teacher/ teaching assistant like I was for my sins].
Yes, I wonder if I'm so peeved by the teenage ineptitude in The Rain because I'm jealous and I want to be an inept teenager again myself?
Evolution theory over, I had to check if I was alone in my outright dislike of this series. After all, I had only watched half of the opening episode and found it so unbearable that I cannot conceive of how there are 3 whole seasons of this dross! Still, this is my personal opinion.
I'm not alone though, thank God. The Rain garners either deep love but mostly intense rage in the many many reviews there are online since it was released in 2020. Some poor souls even watched it all because there was nothing else to do during Lockdown!
Yes, The Rain is the Marmite of Sci-Fi and I for one can't stand the savoury spread. The Missus put me out of my misery and switched to Travellers, a much more enjoyable and altogether more adult effort.
Rant over.
Have you seen The Rain?