In 2010 I was lucky enough to find and purchase this LBZ spinning top, pictured above, containing a revolving Thunderbird 2 and pictures of the Scramble Bug and the Moon Prospector encased in a smokey blue dome. Unfortunately the dome was cracked and I've wanted to restore it for some time. In preparation I contacted the LBZ curator at the Zirndorf Museum in Germany, who replied as follows:
"Dear Mr
Woods, after
having searched through the museums archives we are only able to inform you
that, according to the form of the spinning top and its particular handle, it
must have been produced by LBZ within the time-range of between 1968 and 1971.
Unfortunately, no information whether on a name or a possible packaging could be
found. We have
never seen this kind of space themed top in original and congratulate you on
this wonderful and perhaps rare toy!
Finweg M.A.
Earlier this summer I managed to purchase a second LBZ top with a perfect dome very cheaply on Ebay with a view to replacing the cracked dome on my own. As I'd hoped the two tops were virtually the same external design, except for the dome colour, as you can see below and I was able to start dissambling the two tops.
Firstly I removed the push-screw of the replacement top being careful not to damage the dome.
Then I removed the replacement dome by lifting the tin edge with a screwdriver, a process which reminded me of freeing a bike tyre from the wheel.
The red central rod was removed and unfortunately the tin tip was damaged in the process.
I then dismantled my SWORD top in the same way taking care not to crack the dome any more.
Removing the dome from the tin edge proved to be the most difficult part of the process but eventually it worked.
Once dismantled I was able to inspect the inner workings of my top for the first time. The base is suspended above a circular sanded band, which at one time provided the striking surface for three sparking metal spokes. These no longer spark, but it must have looked impressive inside the spinning top.
I was also able to give the inside mechanism a thorough clean, revealing three 'pools' for the first time. The plastic Thunderbird 2 and moonscape came up a treat with a damp cloth.
The inner red foil 'rose' and central metal rod were removed from the cracked dome ready for relocating in the new dome.
The 'new' dome was cleaned.
And central rose and rod inserted
leaving the final stage in the restoration, re-attaching the new dome to the "SWORD" base. So here it is, my restored LBZ SWORD style spinning top. What do you think?