The Missus and me are slowly working our way through all the X-Files episodes on 4 here in Blighty. We saw most of the first few seasons back in the 90's - essential viewing back then - but we never stuck it out. This time we'll go all the way, the longest running American Sci Fi series ever I think.
Currently we are at the point were the slime ball Krycek, Cancer Man's lapdog, has gone AWOL and Scully has, it seems, been abducted by aliens on Skyway Mountain. Mulder certainly seems to think so. In desperation, Skinner has re-opened the X-Files.
Of note at this point was the performance by Steve Railsback in the last two episodes about alien abduction. I know this actor from the fantastic and earlier movie Lifeforce, where he played the space captain besotted with the cosmic vampire draining London of its souls.
In the X-Files he was utterly convincing as the alien abductee and the scenes where he was experimented on were probably the scariest things we've seen overall so far in the series. Downright scary in fact and made the more so by his fantastic screams! The last time I saw such scary alien surgery was in a film called Fire in the Sky, which really did shock me at the time.
Anyways, more X-Files tonight, because we want to believe!
How far have you got with the series readers? All the way to the end?