During an epic trawl of Spanish cyberspace whilst staying at my Daughters the other week, I came across a thing of rare beauty. Not only that I was able to buy it!
The parcel arrived last week and I picked it up just today from the Post Office escorted by the lovely Wotan, who tried desperately but vainly to guess its contents.
So here it is, photographed by Wotan in the Yorkshire sunshine, what I have dubbed the 'Spacex Aircraft Carrier' in all its cheap plastic glory. Made by Bullycan of Spain, who gave us the Cosmicos Aviones Spacex clones, its basically a green aircraft carrier sporting two pink Hawks, along with two pink cannons, bridge and a cool detachable radar tower.
The two Hawks can be positioned on the deck by way of a peg on the undercarriage. This same peg can be used to launch the planes off the deck using an elastic band. Cool or what!
The pink Hawk is different to Bullycan's other green Hawk, which you can see here. The pink one is simpler and has the deck peg instead of rear wheels.
The base of the carrier is a simple pink plastic hull, which would most likely float. There is a loop at the front where a string could be attached for pulling it just like me and Wotan did as kids.
The header card rear includes a neat graphic of the toy, which is called in Spanish, Porta Aviones Dedalo, number 321. Amazingly it carries a bar code, which makes the toy relatively modern.
As a postcript to this, my cyber search uncovered a second and different Bullycan 'Spacex' Aircraft Carrier. This one appears to be more realistically coloured and includes not two but three green Hawks. The rear Hawk has a sticker on the nose and the bridge tower has a star sticker on its side, which is just visible. This also features in the Bullycan Aviones Cosmicos spacex clone set of three spaceships. I don't know why but it looks older than my pink and green carrier set.
What do you think readers?