Here is a collection of still photos of various Remco toys. There are so many great toys and sets shown - some have been featured on Moonbase Central before, others I have never seen.
There is a great Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea set, with a yellow Seaview; various Batman toys; a bobby trap that resembles a WW2 German Teller mine; a mortar; a host of Star Trek toys that have nothing to do with the show; A Land of the Giants Spindrift spaceship made from toothpicks (that belongs in a book on the most bizarre toys of all time); a grow-a-tooth doll; Speedrail monorail train sets; the Partridge Family bus; in I Dream of Jeannie, Jeannie lived in a bottle, and Remco did the bottle as a sort of doll's house playset; an Earthquake Tower skyscraper over 5 feet tall - was this a tie-in with the 1970s disaster movie ?
Universal movie monsters, and various cheap toy lines from more recent times. What an amazing line-up of toys. Wow.
REMCO Toys : A Pictorial History - YouTube
Paul Adams
REMCO Toys : A Pictorial History - YouTube
Paul Adams
New Zealand
Remco were Mattels main competitor for quality and diversity. Love Hamilton Invaders, which was repurposed for Star Trek. The Voyage toys are wonderful, but hellishly expensive today. Not many made european release though, a shame