I'm currently watching Def Con 4 on You Tube, a apocalyptic flick from 1989 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KASH2jx6mfc
Like a bad hair combo of Mad Max and Gravity with Threads thrown in, it has all the scars of 80's cold war paranoia and starring no-one we've heard of.
Still I'm enjoying it.
I'm particularly enjoying the version I'm watching because its part of Commander USA's 1989 channel from New Jersey - do you remember him anyone?
The Commander and his female assistant introduce every part of the film in their own special zany way and it really is quite funny. On top of that there are loads of original US TV ads from NJ from back then including the Pontiac Grand Prix and Bisquick.
All in all a great 2 hour package of Americana from the Miami Vice era for a Sunday afternoon!
Have you seen Def Con 4? The poster art is great!