Some of the coolest and most memorable nik-naks from my childhood were miniature paper items.
What I mean are those paper accessories that came with toys.
One that springs to mind was the map that Action Man had. I think it came on a small plastic clipboard that his gripping hands could hold onto in the thick of battle. I can't recall what was on that map but I imagine it was about advancing his position against his arch rival Tommy Gunn!
Palitoy's Fighting Man must have had more bits of paperwork but I've filed them away in the top secret drawer!
Major Matt Mason came with lots of paper and plasticy decals sheets which were just ace too. I adored taking off the stickers and gently placing them on the multitude of gizmos that the Major had.
Some of the best stickers went on decorating his fab wedding-cake space station. As they're paper based I've seen many of these decals being reproduced for modern collectors.
My love of petite paperwork didn't stop there. Another great juvenile collection I had on the go for years were key rings. I had loads of them and one favourite was a small metal book with a concertina style set of paper photos inside. I think they were from one of my Mum's trips to Spain in the Sixties. I can see it now and can almost feel the satisfaction I had closing the metal clasp to keep the two covers fastened!
There may have been a miniature Bible too but I could be getting mixed up with tiny plastic Bibles that you peered into. Remember them?
Talking of small books has totally jogged my noodle about a toy I had. It was a clockwork monkey and when wound up he would flick the pages of a book he was holding! Now the book wasn't paper I admit. It was metal but there were paper pictures stuck on each page. It was a gorgeous old toy and I had a version of the monkey banging cymbals too.
I can't finish without mentioning the wonderful feeling I got sticking down Action Man stars onto my free gift coupon that came with Palitoy's fighting doll. The only downside was having to cut the stars out of boxes but that won't have worried me in 1967!
Which miniature papers from toys can you recall readers?