I have started work on a Spacex Hawk replica and, since this is the last of the Spacex 1 carded vehicles, to be built, I thought I'd document the build process.
I start by photographing the toy to produce blueprint style photos that will be the size of the finished model. I then cut out a plan in plasticard. Since the wings will be harder to paint once it is all done, I painted them orange before fitting them into their slots.
Next up, I make some plasticard 'ribs' to try to guide me as to the shape of the finished thing. I stick some balsa in the spaces to bulk it out since it is cheaper than milliput.
Some detail in the form of intake grilles that are lacking on the toy are added.I then plaster a load of milliput onto it and once that has cured, I spend days doing boring sanding!
That's as far as I've got at the moment.
Take care,