Junior has a balance bike. Here it is at dusk. It hasn't got pedals so you can push yourself around and lift your legs up at speed. He gets quite a trot on this thing especially down slopes.
Is a balance bike a new thing? I don't recall having one. I had a bike with balloonish tyes and one with rock hard rubber tyres that killed when you went over a bump!
What little bikes do you remember?
I only had a tricycle when I was little. I remember it only just went round the garden path without catching its mudguards (it was a narrow path!).
ReplyDeleteTrikes were great Kev. I loved mine. I remember adults having them too.
DeleteWe had a "quadricycle", a regular children's bike with two accessory side wheels attached. Those side wheels were elevated an inch or so from the ground so that they supported you if you tilted to one side, but also enabled that wonderful feeling of cycling on your own when in balance. Very effective learning tool.
ReplyDeleteYesI recall those side wheels Arto too! They had a name here but I can't think what. Very good for learner drivers! Great memory so thanks!
DeleteDoh! Of course. Cheers Kev!
DeleteThanks for the term Kev!
DeleteTraining wheels ? I never had a bicycle, but I did have a red and white trike. Loved riding up and down on that.
ReplyDeleteRed and white eh Paul. Sounds great!