As a wee kid I loved to make mud pies and sandwiches.
A hearty dollop of soil and a splash of water would create a goodly pile of the muck for a morning's play. Sometimes this was mixed in a bucket or sometimes even straight on the soil in a flower bed.
There was a correct consistency needed for a good mud. Too much water and you had gravy, too little and you had wet soil.
My particular favourite was making mud sandwiches which we called butties. These were basically made out of two leaves with a hefty splodge of mud spread between them.
The best leaves were thick waxy ones which had spots on them. I'm not sure what that bush was called but the leaves crackled like billy-o when chucked into a campfire.
My mud butties were always served on a plastic plate and if anyone accepted one, friend or family member, they had to pretend to chew and make yummee type noises or else!
I remember my Dad making me a small den on the back of the garage. It had huge windows and an old metal fire grate in there for pretend oven cooking. With a work surface too and some of my Mum's wooden spoons and spatulas it was mud butty central in that den!
Oh how I miss making mud pies and butties!
Do you?
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