The Spacex II Lunar Transporter or LT-10 is one of my favourite SpaceX toys. It was made by Pippin Rovex Tri-ang. Although I've never owned one I can appreciate its sleek lines and classic lip-stick design, which reminds me of the Nova Rocket on its side. This picture is one I've photoshopped together using a carded example I saw several years ago on an online auction, together with a nice loose one from the Ferryman collection.
As far as I know the toy was inspired by a similar spacecraft featured in the 1960's Japanese movie The Green Slime. The vehicle also inspired model company Midori to release it in kit form. I have yet to see a photo of both the SpaceX toy and the Midori kit together, but suspect that the model is much bigger.
There may also be a US boxed version of the SpaceX toy as part of the Golden Astronaut Deluxe Die-Cast Metal Chassis range, but I've never seen one.
I would be pleased to receive pictures and anecdotes of your Lunar Transporter for the blog.
This is the one Spacex toy I really want! Due entirely to the fact that it was inspired the spacecraft in The Green Slime. I've all but given up on acquiring the Midori kit. It's too rare and will command an astronomical price if one ever turns up. There's still a chance to find the Spacex toy and not break the bank when I do.