Along with a SWORD scale, another grey area for my grey matter are the SWORD ranks. Not being an expert on the comic strip I rely on those which appear on the SWORD toys, each one having its own badge:
Astronaut, Captain, Commander, Supremo
These ranks appear to have been linked to the importance (size?) of the spaceships, for example, the Supremo grade is linked with the Zero-X. So I suppose logically in the SWORD universe there were many astronauts, fewer Captains, few Commanders and only one or two Supremo's ( called Sabre and Rapier in the early comic strip). In reality there were obviously many more than just one 'Supremo' badge as many Zero-X's were sold. But the ratio may still apply to some extent since the Zero-X was far more expensive than say, Scout 1, and as such will have sold in fewer numbers. But then again it may have been more popular so that particular train of thought has got us nowhere really.
Probably more interesting is a comparison of SWORD ranks with similar organisations. Looking at NASA's organisation it doesn't really help. The boss is called the Administrator, although the press often refer to the post as Supremo but this is probably in its more general sense as 'top dog'. More rewarding is a persusal of Military ranks, which Wikipedia have conveniently compared for us in a handy grid, to which I've added SWORD ranks on the right, where I think they go.
Looking at this and knowing SWORD was in effect an 'Air Force' in space, I would say that its ranks are most similar to that of the Air Force rather than NASA. Any other views welcomed.
Finally, here's a list of which SWORD ranks (badges) appeared with which toys: