Breaking away from house, down the midweek booty today I picked up just a couple of cheap trinkets.
An old Waddingtons Battlestar Galactica jigsaw. Cylon Warrior. Did you have one of these?

A bag of old figures, knights and horses, which I've dunked ...
and dried off. Recognise any?
I also picked up some old Seventies greetings cards, which I'm always on the look-out for, as I enjoy sending them to friends and rellies. This was a box of varied greetings and sizes, all very nostalgic.
Quite a few envelopes had either self-gummed to the card top or in some cases completely sealed themselves with the cards inside!
Not completely sure how to separate the gummed edge from the card without damaging the picture. Any ideas?
The pay-off for a vintage greetings card fan like me is an image like this, hidden for decades in a sealed paper envelope yellowing with age, only to be re-discovered by yours truly in a house clearance jumble box in a field this morning.
Now that is a classic Seventies composition. Curls, browns and golds! Do you like it too?
Oddly enough I saw two paperback horse books in the house clearance boxes; Follyfoot, no less, and Black Stallion. I also saw an old boxed Evel Knevel Scramble Van and hundreds of rock music cassette tapes - like I had way back - such as Deep Purple, Van Morrison, the Jeff Beck Group and the Jeff Healey Band, but as I'm trying to cut-down on what I fetch home I resisted temptation!
Would you have resisted?