This thing intrigued me.
I saw it on Worthpoint and saved the pic.
Have you come across one readers?
This thing intrigued me.
I saw it on Worthpoint and saved the pic.
Have you come across one readers?
I watched Gemini Man last night. I like Will Smith and the idea of clones. It was OK but nothing to write home about.
Like the character he plays in Suicide Squad, The Gemini Man is a a crack shot. he never misses and can hit a target on a moving train from miles away! he's so perfect in fact that the clandestine agency he works for want more just like him. Send in the clones.
Alas the cloned Smith just looked off. The CGI was awry. There was something really unnatural about his mouth and it was a distraction. It reminded me of the terrible upper lip of Henry Cavill in Justice League, where DC had attempted to CGI out a tash he had to have for another film.
The Gemini idea has a long history on film. The Janus project springs to mind in Demolition Man, where Sly Stallone is brought back to fight his brother[?], a brutal criminal terrorising a gentrified future. I wonder if there were toys?
I'm sure you can think of more cop-agent clonings readers?
HQ Classic Space Toys- Remco, Ideal, Mattel Billy Blastoff and more! - YouTube
This video is actually a collection of still photos of toys and boxes, from the 1930s onwards. Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Robby the Robot, Dan Dare, and more general toys. The space helicopter is a little bizarre. No idea what the 1950s War of the Worlds box contained. Top class photographs.
What do you like?
Vintage Space Toys from the 1930s to 1960s HD - YouTube
Paul Adams from New Zealand
We were discussing the merits of small things the other day.
Have a look at these beautiful and tiny space creations I saw on Etsy.
How cool are they!
I watched Man of Steel and Justice League again this week. DC stuff is just ace.
I must admit I adore Man of Steel. I think its a masterpiece of filming. The global hope that Superman brings is palpable and maybe its because the last two years have been a covid nightmare I am noticeably susceptible to beacons of hope, even when they're on film.
Snyder, Cavill, Adams and company strike just the right tone to make this a serious bash at bringing Supe to life on screen. No high camp, no daft jokes. Its like entering a glorious Alex Ross painting.
And the score is just terrific; the snarling world-engine rev keeping us on our toes and the two-note Superman melody reminding us not to give up. Its just superb.
Justice League is good but not the icon that is MoS. Having said that I haven't seen the JL Director's Cut.
Absent here is Dawn of Justice, as its not on Netflix. I saw it several times last year though on Prime I think. It is without doubt one of the finest Super Hero films ever made and as Batman says in the first minute, it is a perfect thing.
What do you think readers?
Have you any DC toys and games?
B-25 Group Build Part 2 - YouTube
Paul Adams from New Zealand
This is the sort of Thunderbirds set I would have had as a kid but I just don't recall, dammit.
Gummed Papercraft, which I saw on auction so saved the images a while back.