I had to look twice at this.
Its a black Explorer 12 vehicle called Alpha Explorers.
Its got the features of the classic BHS Explorer 12.
Its by Supertoys.
I saw it online ages ago and saved the pics for Moonbase.
Have you got anything like this?
Bessie, the canary-yellow Edwardian roadster was first seen in the third Doctor story, Doctor Who and The Silurians, is in reality a 1954 Ford Popular 103E on a fibreglass body, made by Siva Engineering of Dorset.
This is the Corgi Version with a seated Tom Baker Doctor Who figure with a Character Options Giant Robot in the background.
A driverless Bessie was released as part of the 40th Anniversary’ The Three Doctors’ gift set in 2003.
See the Whomobile on Blue Peter here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x78lpbj
My Missus is flogging an old sloth.
Its a cute toy fella wanting a new home.
The local Marketplace is where he's hanging.
Lots of people are contacting the Missus and saying yes to slothy but they never show up!
What's going on?