As part of this year's spontaneous and ongoing theme of Hot Wheels collecting, spurred on by the plentiful availability of loose Hot Wheels at car boot sales and carded cars in shops, here are three more I found this Sunday:
From left to right: Cat-a-Pult, Red Baron and Super Cannon 705th.
In a bid to pick only old models at boot sales I always try to seek out just those loose cars with the dull older metal bases.
I also check for years and go for older years embossed on the bases.
However, what you see on the bases are not necessarily the year of the toy's release. They are usually the copyright dates shown. Many models have been re-released many times in different packs and sets.
There are loads of great Hot Wheels online checklists for beginners like me, so I checked all three of the cars I found.
My Cat-a-Pult has a1998 copyright on its base but its actually from the Heat Fleet 5-Pack version from 2003.