We drove a friend who is staying with us to an old moor spa town today, Ilkley, about an hour and a half away. Besides lovely Christmassy Victorian shop fronts and independent shops there are a handful of charity shops too.
I was immediately drawn to the oldest bit of playful tat in one shop, a Cinderalla wedding cake topper. Its cute clean design reminded me so much of the plastic astronauts sold as cake toppers years ago. I did check the under-carriage for the LP logo! Sadly no logo at all!
It looked something like this but the white carriage was more of a multi-plated Pumpkin than a whole one like this. I didn't buy it as I thought the horses might turn back into mice at midnight! Besides, I don't think golden astronauts could use it on the moon.
In another charity shop my eye was caught by a book I may not have. I used to collect Jules Verne novels especially his fantasy stories. I have loads of them but this may have just eluded the net.
At £4.50 it was too dear for me and I may have it already.
Other than that I didn't see much to grab me. Besides, the winter weather turned bad and we had to leave the Yorkshire spa hills quickly behind for home.