Diving further into LP diver toys, yesterday I talked about LP's deep sea diver figures and LN's Space Explorer diving sub.
Well here's a boxed set that combines them both.
The Under sea War car by LP.
You can see its a window box with a rising header.
It has the LP model number 302-A.
there appears to be a label on the top edge of the box indicating a registered design applied for but I can't make out the number.
The contents comprise f 3 deep sea divers and the one-man sub, this time red.
An added feature is the harpoon gun on the rear of the sub.
The set came with a small bag of harpoons.
The artwork is excellent with more than a little hint of James Bond's Thunderball I would say.
Anyone got this set?
I saw this on an online auction and saved the pictures from there.