Hello folks, Scoop here aka Mike.
I thought I’d better say a few words about the tenth
anniversary of the blog. Well, I have to say by and large, it has been a very
enjoyable experience.
Generally speaking I only post on something cult TV or toy related
I’m enthusiastic about, and while I occasionally get things wrong I do try to do a reasonable
amount of research on a subject. Like most folk who take the trouble to blog I'm only an enthusiastic amateur. My
thinking is if I’m not really interested in the subject than how I can expect
anyone else to be
Thankfully, a few readers are interested in what I post, and
enjoy my photos. A good picture paints a
thousand words to me, and as I find writing even a comment a chore I’ll let photos talk for me, but just for the sake of variety none of the photos here were taken by me.
Here's yours truly with former A.P Films merchandise director Keith Shackleton.
I don't know whether anyone remembers a film called Stars Wars but the tall fella next to a younger startled looking me was in it.
As anyone who takes the trouble to look at my posts (and I’m
always grateful for that) will know I’m still very fond of going to conventions
and fan get -togethers. My first con was
way back in 1981, the first Fanderson Convention in fact, which took place
before the Fanderson club itself had formed.
(I even first met our very own Bill Bulloch way back in the eighties at
a comic and toy mart at the Blue Coats meeting hall in Liverpool City Centre)
Over the years I’ve been to many different conventions, meet
ups and comic and toy marts (long before they became the in- thing) and have
had the pleasure of chatting to like -minded fans. In fact I still see a few of
them even now, and even my best friend and drinking buddy, Andy, is someone I
met through Fanderson.
Here's a photo from one of the Fanderson cons' featuring mega model builder Martin Bower.. Andy's the bloke in the middle at the back. The bloke on the left is John, another mate I met through Fanderson.
And this is the point of my ramblings, some of my posts
have introduced me to many fans who without which I would have never had the
pleasure of meeting. I still talk to blog friend, Will Schwartz every week on
Skype even though he’s five thousand miles away
Even our man Ken Holt, the man who turned out the lights and locked up
the Century 21 studios for the last time, shouted across to me as he left the
stage after a talk at one of the Cosford events, and said how he enjoyed
looking at the blog.
While, I admit I’m not big on commenting much on other posts
unless they catch my interest, and am not keen on getting involved in the
podcast side of things, I’m still enormously grateful to all the readers, and to
be part of the team at Moonbase Central.