As summer fades like a leaking battery I'm of a mind to celebrate it one last time before the leafy curtain comes down for good again.
The thing that struck me this summer was just how much ice we had in our cordial. It was just so hot.
I remember messing with ice when I was a kid. The ice trays for the freezer where made of metal of all things! Frozen metal! It was like the side of an Apollo Capsule. They stuck to your fingers! Woe betide if you put the tip of your toungue on them! It wasn't coming off.
The thing I liked to do the most was freeze pop. More specifically fruit cordial and especially orange. The top British brand back then was Robinsons Squash but there were others like Tree Tops and Rise and Shine.
The cordial was either diluted or poured neat into the ice cube tray. A splash of neat Vimto could be added to orange for a a marbled effect. Each cube got a wooden lolly stick laid into the liquid.
I remember the neater the cordial the stronger the iced flavour and the strongest of all was pure undiluted orange squash or vimto. Licking these fruity cubes gave an intense and refreshing taste. The ice cubes were small enough to have in the mouth completely and allowed for a truly grand slurp. Keeping them in too long though inevitably led to that unique childhood mindmeld called brainfreeze. Ouch!
Advanced ice lolly making simply involved better kit. I remember we had some tupperware lolly shapes that looked like plastic tongues. You could fill these with pop and either shove a wooden stick in or use plastic sticks that came with the moulds.
Such simple fun it was making ice lollies, one alas that has gone from my life but one which I hope to revive for our Grandson Moonbase Junior.
Did you make ice lollies in summer readers?