Just occasionally something comes along online that we've never seen before at Moonbase Central.
This is just such a thing as it appeared on Ebay, a silver Project SWORD Task Force 1!
How cool is that and like our 8th birthday worth celebrating!
The toy has a silver fuselage, a red undercarriage and green engines.
These lime green engines are the same as the US Tarheel version of this space rocket, pictured below.
The livery is partially the same as Tarheel's i.e. the number 1 transfer. The star insignia is special to this silver toy as is the blue blister cockpit.
All in all it's a fabulous toy and a new fascinating addition to the ongoing story unfolding about silver and metallic Task Force toys, which we cover regularly.
In fact last January on the blog we featured a 'new' silver Task Force 'Space Rocket', pictured below [courtesy of John Eaton], which on reflection appears to be a very close relative of the above Task Force 1.
It even has the same star insignia! It is USAF?
Looking at this again I suspect that the loose silver Task Force 1 also came carded like this and that somewhere out there in the vastness of cyberspace is an as yet unseen silver Task Force 2 rocket!
Can anyone help?
Last January I ran an article bringing together all the blog's various older posts on metallic Task Force toys, which you can see here. This latest silver Task Force 1 adds another element to this.
Has anyone else got any silver, blue or indeed ANY Project SWORD Task Force toys?
Your pictures and anecdotes always welcome. Contact details at the bottom of the page.