Here’s a rundown of the Thunderbirds are Go season finale
episode Legacy by Rob Hoegee.
It's not my intention to give the game away, and I don’t
want to spoil anyone’s enjoyment of the story, so I’ll quite understand if you’d
rather watch the episode first, and pop back later.
The story opens in the Tracy Island lounge with all the brothers
including John sitting around waiting for Kayo’s long overdue announcement on
her dubious lineage. But, in true saved
by the bell tradition she’s stopped in her tracks.
There’s a sudden spate
of disasters across the globe, which means every Thunderbird craft needs to launch
including Thunderbird 4 from its separate island tank and Kayo's, Thunderbird Shadow. Even John
leaves for Thunderbird 5 in the Space Elevator.
Arriving at her rescue zone it soon becomes clear to Kayo
that things are not what they seem, and alerts Lady Penelope to initiate the
Tracy Island WASP protocol which means Wide Area Safety Protocol. A plot device
if ever I heard one, but a nice nod to Stingray fans.
The other Tracy boys soon cotton on to the deception but by
then it’s too late. The worst situation has happened. Uncle Hood has taken over
Tracy Island!
It’s worst to come for Kayo, who is pretty much pulling all
the strings (pardon the nostalgic pun) in the efforts to save the day. The Hood
outs her as his niece, much to the surprise of the Tracy boys, and forces her
to hand over the ‘keys’ to Tracy Island. As a nod to the past, The Hood uses the name
Agent 79, a former alias from the classic series episode The Martian Invasion
to identify him to the Tracy Island computer.
Legacy is a cracking episode. Every member we know who belongs to International Rescue gets a look in - even Sherbet the Pug! There are a few more nostalgia points to be
spotted; the neighbouring island of Mateo gets a mention. There’s action coupled
with some good characterisation. Kayo is still a big head, and the Tracy
Brothers are courageous and dim. But they are a family that any regular viewer should care about.
This début season has gone from a simple kids show to something
the whole family could engage with. Like
disregarding the strings in the original puppet series, these new characters
have taken over, so most older viewers, initially wary of the dreaded CGI should be more settled. While it can never replace the classic series
in my heart, I just treat it as a separate entity with nods to the past but an
eye on the future.
By the way, there’s even more revelations in this episode,
as Grandma admits to Brains that she’s a terrible cook, but he’s got to keep
it secret – Will this form the story arc for next season? The Hood knows but he’s not telling!