As you all should know by now our grand prize for the year seven anniversary competition, kindly donated by Network DVD is the facsimile TV21 that originally formed part of their Supermarionation superset - AND!! (this is the biggy!) Paul McCaffrey's SWORD sketch!!!
Remember this brand new edition of TV21 has so far not been released separately, so if you bought everything separately, or just fancy an exclusive piece of merchandise it's worth a punt at our competition.
You might, like me, be someone who bought the actual set when it came out, but for those who haven't I thought it might be a good idea to give this excellent set a plug.
The presentation box
The updated book by Stephen La Riviere
The Blu-Ray discs
The exclusive postcard wallets.
The exclusive postcards.
It's also worth mentioning that Network are about to release a whole new digitally remastered Space 1999 season 2 boxed set , which is available to pre-order ( I know because I've pre-ordered it)