Sometimes I get a surprise in my email bag. Here's a New Year one. In 2011 I wrote to Mastermodels and this month I got a reply, 4 years later! My original email is below with the response below that. Enjoy! Pictures to follow!
From: Woodsy
Sent: 19 June 2011 23:25
To: Sales
Subject: Request
I have just been enjoying browsing your fabulous site. I am a huge fan of Century 21 films, shows and vehicles and in particular those vehicles that made it to the toy manufacturers. A case in point is the wonderful Zero-X, which I see on your site.
I wondered if I could ask a favour and ask if I might post your Zero-X pictures on my own blog dedicated to Gerry Anderson toys and models? Naturally I would credit them to you and post a link to your site. I have readers allover the world and it would take the fabulous pictures to a different audience. My site is
Looking at your Zero-X pictures a few questions spring to mind:
1. Were the models made directly from Derek Meddings' designs, which I think I can just see on the wall behind
2. Why was the number 26 on the tailfins? Did you make 26 models?
3. In Derek Medding's book he says that £2,500 was paid for the Zero-X model [in 1965 or 6?]. Was that to yourselves?
4. Did you know that the vehicle was made into a fabulous toy in 1967 by Century 21 as part of the Project SWORD range? Did you have any involvement in Project SWORD or the toy side? Did you ever know any of the box artists who illustrated the C21 toy boxes by any chance?
I have found this clip on the British Pathe news archive of a man making Thunderbird 2 in 1968. Is this Master Models?
From: Andrew Barr
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 6:02 PM
Subject: RE: Request - Zero X Photos
I have just been doing some clearing out of old e mails on my lap top and I came across
your e mail below from June 2011 !!
I apologise that this was never answered until now.
I can confirm that we would be happy for you to publish the zero x pictures from our site on your blog.
Our site has been re designed and the link to Zero X photos is here...
To answer your questions...
1) Yes. Although I think there were a team of creative people at A P Films / Century 21 at that time doing drawings.
2) I have no idea why 26 is on the tail fins. We made 1 x large model and a couple of smaller ones.
3) Yes. This would have been paid to either the original Mastermodels or to AGM. Both companies that my Father owned and managed.
4) I did not know until I looked at your blog that Zero X was made into a toy.
...and yes the Pathe News clip is filmed at AGM Ltd (Aeronautical & General Modelmakers Ltd). AGM is our parent company.
Best Regards
Apologies again for the wait you had to endure before getting a reply.
Andrew Barr
Managing Director