Aside from the usual collection of stuff in the early Wotan toybox, rockets, tanks, cars and soldiers, there was always a small contingent of another classic toy, which I suspect everyone reading this will have come across at some point, either by playing with them, or standing on them barefoot in the dark!
Britains and Timpo made some wonderful toy figures in the sixties, along with Herald and Crescent. Besides the usual soldiers, my dad encouraged me to play with Cowboys and Indians. Probably predating my army toys, these few figures have survived a little better due to their lack of wear. I especially loved the interchangeable Timpo Swoppet mexicans, with their bright colours and odd poses. The indian camp would introduce me to the totem pole, something which would obsess me in later life too...
But in a knockdown, dragout fight, it would always be the aliens won out for me!