In a fit of tidiness last year I sorted the small stuff in my loft and sold some Apollo Moon Exploring pieces along with a bit of moonscape [above]. They were originally described as 'cake toppers' when I bought them.
A year later and I find myself the proud owner of a lovely boxed but incomplete Miniature Apollo Exploration Set - pictured below.
Having sorted through the larger items I couldn't believe that it was the same bits I sold last year that were amongst those missing from this set! Sods Law as we say in the North!
As luck would have it, just this week I managed to find the self- same set of missing items, pictured below, again described as cake toppers, on an online cake decorating site called Lulu's Cupcake Boutique! For the princely sum of $4 they are now en-route to meet up with their Apollo friends at Moonbase where we will celebrate with some nice cake for all! We love Lulu!
Looking to the future, post-Atlantis, I'm still missing various bits and bobs from my Apollo set [ringed orange below]. Should any readers have them spare maybe we could trade in some way - I have lots of old toys!
PS. Just wondering if there is a definative written list of the contents of this set somewhere? Is it in the Playset Magazine article that came out a few years ago. Time to go in the loft again and check methinks!