As blogged last week here are a few more snaps of my new T Dolphin Cruiser acquired from Germany. I really love the the box art. The yellow side panels are similar to the blue ones on the T Moon Bus pictured below where the SWORD 'Star Features' have become the Cruiser's 'Additional Features'. Chronologically the Moon Bus, model number 360, came 17 toys before the Cruiser, model number 377.
Fellow T collector Ferryman has observed that he's also spotted another connection: "I had seen evidence of a Telsalda logo on the artwork on the gaskets that I inspected originally. The T branded box you have is actually a Telsalda box with the logos replaced. I have come across a few Telsalda toys over the last few years in Telsalda style boxes with the logos completely removed. it appears that there is a link between Telsalda and T as well."
Anyone got the Telsada box for this Dolphin Cruiser?