One toy remains stubbornly elusive to this blog - the awesome Lunar Climber. Eagle-eyed reader Paul Vreede recently spotted this distant cousin of the toy, the Climbing Space Vehicle, in a Gambles catalogue for sale on Ebay [Borzoibooklady] above. Below is the full page, which also featured a Robot and a Circus Train, both I reckon were Tarheel.
And this Christmas someone maybe very happy. The Paya Lunar Climber, below, for sale at Guy Antiques has been sold! I've been oggling it for years but it was too dear for me. Drat! Maybe a reader has a surprise prezzie waiting under the Crimbo tree!
Another cool stocking filler would be this Japanese DVD featuring old plastic toys and kits, including the Imai Astro Car aka Lunar Climber no less. No idea what the DVD is called but it was for sale on
Ebay earlier in the year.
Which brings me full circle to the Lunar Climber by Century 21. This is one of only two colour pictures of this toy that I hjave ever seen, both from the same Ebay auction about 5 years ago. I had a pop at it but didn't win. I'll never forget WOTAN saying to me afterwards "You should've put the ton on it Woodsy!", ton being common parlance for a hundred of your best pounds sterling! I shall climb into bed tonight and dream of it sat under the tinselled tree, brightly wrapped with a tag written out to me! I wonder who actually won it? Someone reading this perchance as they nibble a warm mince Xmas pie? Your Good Health and here's hoping for some close-up pics in 2011!