I came across your web site by accident the other day, while researching a thrift store find which I think may be a collectible space toy... anyway, I have no idea what S.W.O.R.D. means, but your main page had several pictures of a toy I dearly loved back around 1969-1970. It was the MEGO "Space Tract", which looks like a NASA lifting body, in gray plastic, but also has a very non-aerodynamic spherical capsule attached at the rear, with an astronaut "observer" inside. If I recall right, twisting the turret ball was the power switch and lighting effects came on as well. The toy had stop-and-go action.
I never knew what this toy was called and have been looking for another one of these for about....oh... forty years! Any ideas where I can find one, or even one of it's "sister ships" by another brand? I have been buying back bits of my childhood on Ebay for some time now. It would keep company with my Major Matt Mason collection:-) If not, at least thanks for posting the pictures of it, you brought back many happy memories.
Mark Suszko,