Like many Sixties kids books were just as important as toys at Christmas [only Selection Boxes seemed more important but only for a few delicious minutes!]. Only one of my original books survived the ravages of adolescence, Jason and the Golden Fleece, which my Mum bought at Zodiac Toys [covered previously ont' blog here and here]. Fortunately many of my Sixties tomes are still possible to find in Charity Shops and Boot Sales, something I've been doing for many years as it's such a blast looking through them again [sad, I know]. One of my favourite re-acquisitions is The Finding Out Book of Battles published by Purnell in the 1960's. The descriptions of the events are enthralling but the real treasures are Ron Embleton's instantly recognisable illustrations, which I just love. There's just something about the symmetry he achieves overall and a mastery of painting legs, boots and shoes! For me Embleton and soldiers are inextricably connected together and his art gave me a childhood passion for military medals, insignia and ranks fuelled by musings as to whether a Field Marshall was senior to a First Sea Lord or if a Five Star General outranked a Rear Admiral!
As a postscript to this bloglet, it's wonderful to see that Ron Embleton's art is actually available to purchase online. Now where's my Credit Card!