Hi Woodsy,
I'm pretty sure you would have read Toyfare when it was around, for me the Bible for seeing which company was releasing what figures, the Zach Malamute column, island of misfit toys and last and by no means least Twisted Toyfare Theatre!
My favorite part of this publication, so many stupid stories, my favorite was mego planet of the apes figures dressed as Spidey, they robbed ATM's, got caught and the judge at their trial was a mego Charlton Heston, head of the National Rifle Association!!
You can guess what happens... Priceless!!
Southcoast base
I used to buy Toyfare for years, along with Action Figure Digest. Mego Theatre was cool and I loved the Malamute column too. Had loads of copies, but threw them out during a purge a few years back!