I was wondering how you might make a quick version of one of my favourite Triang SpaceX toys, the Astronomic Telescopic Satellite or ATS, another toy I don't have.
The real thing, albeit incomplete, is below at the bottom, with the orange parts.
At the top is Bill B's fabulous and detailed model using some original parts!
So how to make a quick one with no need for painting?
Well the body could be a plastic Kaleidoscope like this maybe?
The solar panels could be Dolls' house fly swatters or even home-made miniatures like these lollipop stick and plastic ones on Pinterest:
and the engines at the base?
Maybe modern thimbles?
They'd need a bit of gauze-like covering for the tops.
Maybe two small circles cut out of a plastic red sieve?
Eh voila!
How would you do it?
For a detailed look at the actual ATS toy click on SpaceX Toy Website in the labels below and check out Paul V's truly amazing SpaceX site [search for Toys and then Pippin SpaceX II toys]
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