Having read that the Galoob Giant Command toy, which I posted a video of last night, makes an appearance in the old Tom Hanks film BIG, I thought I'd track it down.
Here's the video clip. It appears straight away in the young lad's hands. Its not there for long! Turn it off after a few seconds as the rest of the film rolls after that. I also had to choose this strange doctored You Tube version as its the only full version of BIG I could find of line.
Tom Hanks says it only cost ten bucks to make! The toy that is, not the film!
Tom Hanks says it only cost ten bucks to make! The toy that is, not the film!
Although I'm particularly interested in multi-wheeled toys, largely down to the Scramble Bug I had as a kid, there are tons of other toys in BIG as well. They are vintage now but back then they were straight from the toy store store where Tom Hanks worked in the film!
Most of these toys have been ID'd already and quicker minds than mine have already done the work so here's Dinosaur Dracula's excellent take on the toys in BIG.
Have you spotted any other toys in this flick or any other film?
The inflateable Godzilla and Stegosaurus caught my eye.