Agent 21 here. Another mystery file landed on my cluttered desk at Moonbase - stamped 'Read and Destroy'! So much for birthday cards!
This puzzle involves a snippet of info seen in a folder of photocopied TV21 ads and other lists I acquired in the early 1990's. At the rear is a value guide and the relevant part is pictured. See half way down - 'CENTURY 21. TEE-SHIRTS'. Now what on the Moon are they fellow Agents?
Blog reader Steve and proprieter of the online Vintage Thunderbirds Toys has no knowledge of a 1960's Century 21 T-Shirt. He adds "In the early 80s a company called State Arts produced a C21 logo t- shirt (and a TB2 one) but didn't have a licence to do so. They were quickly withdrawn."
Current guest correspondent Jim Lewis agrees. "I reckon it's a complete mistake on someone's part, as I have never seen anything remotely like an official T Shirt for any of the shows made by C21".
In Dennis Nicholson's GA Memorabilia Book, aside from official kids' uniforms and fan-made shirts. there is only one entry for a T-Shirt - made by Yo Yo [UK] for Fireball XL5. Aside from a small black and white picture of the desig no date or any other information is given. Intrigueingly Dennis mentions that some Candy and Andy children's clothes were available in the 1960's. Might they be labeled Century 21? Naturally there are loads of modern Andersonesque T-shirts - like this one of our favourite cockney butler!Agent 21 out.

Yes mi Lady