Officially referred to as Capsenauts, they appear on close examination to be a cyborg with robot body and human head, complete with transparent dome helmet. They bear a passing resemblance to Mego/Takara Micronauts figures and may be distant relatives of the Diaclone range of toys.
Play Jour introduced the figures with its extension of the existing range to Spacelink. Besides adding dedicated spacecraft parts and special seats and consoles to fit inside the modular capsules, they gave the tiny spacemen small accessory vehicles to like the small jetcycle and flyer. Each small vehicle seats a single figure and has steel rollers underneath in place of wheels allowing a smooth gliding motion. Some of the larger sets included Medic and Police accessories such as red lights and a stretcher to fit inside a perspex case for medical exams.
The older capsenauts are plain and come in six base colours. Later releases have a 'S' transfer on the chest and after the series was remarketed as IQ Builders Capsela, the small figures appeared in only one or two sets, but with the addition of a special removable helmet as seen in the line up above - the dark blue figure on the left is from the Aqua Amphibian set and his pale companion comes with the robot building set.
As can be seen from the photograph below, Capsenauts barely make the 1.5 inch mark!

Jetcycle, Stretcher and Flyer vehicle with on of the Spacelink capsules. Each Capsela capsule comes in two halves and have a range of different contents such as motors, gears, drivetrains, lights, infra red receivers and even a compass!

I share that fascination for the miniature, WOTAN. These are strange but interesting figures. I suppose they could be wearing power suits of some kind, but they do have the look of cyborgs, as you point out.