Following swiftly on from my earlier post night-of-saucers , Ferryman has kindly raided his impressive collection of curiosities to show us a few more recent saucer-based toys.
There is the Penn Plax interplanetary aquarium UFOs shown in both colour variants, the TFO saucer by Popy from the late 70's TV show Grandizer and the saucer from the also late 70's Message From Space show with self leveling cockpit internals. Lastly there are two saucers from another 70's Japanese UFO toy range by Nakajima. There are three craft and a base in the Nakajima range, but I haven't come across the other toys yet.

I just love old Penn Plax and I've never seen those cool UFO's before. Wish I could find a Penn Plax Creature from the Black Lagoon and retire!