Once more the japanese kit market continues to startle and surprise. Our man in the land of the rising sun, Terry has discovered this unusual kit from little known maker 'Sun'. As he remarks the beautiful box artwork promises much but the actual kit delivers little, or as he puts it: " It's like choosing a beautiful mail
order bride from a catalogue and receiving a butt ugly martian!"
Hey! We butt ugly Martians are people too ... well, Martian people anyway. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, to know what all the Japanese blurb on the box says. If this was sold honestly in a plastic bag (like it is inside the box), I'd get one. But boy, would I be displeased if I'd bought a sealed box!
The odd thing is that the contents look like they are two separate kits. Could these possibly be repackaged items, bought from SWIFT, but sold by SUNKIT?
hmm, SUNKIT, great makers name for a torpedo! Wonderful kit by the way. I'm turning Japanese!