Supercollector and designer Ferryman has one again conjured up a piece of cardboard magic. After securing a loose Bandai Maximum Security Vehicle via Captain Scarlet afficianado Terry Harle, Ferryman felt that this super rare model, which would have originally been produced on a card back in Japan, needed a suitable resting place inside a Century 21 liveried box.
Part of a series of toys produced by Bandai in Japan, the toy has 'mystery' bump and go action and is at the same size and scale as the Imai model kits as opposed to the C21 toys.
As the toy had no original packaging, Ferryman took a pre-existing piece of artwork from the Imai range showing a dynamic shot of the MSV being escorted by an Angel Interceptor from a twin model kit. He then digitally retouched the artwork to remove the plane, the artists signature and add in an extended background on each side to fit the proportions of the newly constructed box. A line drawing of the MSV schematic was also needed for the side panel of the box, so Ferryman prepared a new drawing to suit.
Finally as the toy also sported some extra aerials and extraneous vent details, he removed these too in order to bring the toy closer to the model used in the series.
Compared to the vintage SPV box, its almost impossible to tell its a reproduction - apart from the lack of forty years of ageing!
As always Ferryman, a real pleasure to see your work, which raises the bar for custom Anderson boxes. Beautiful!