What a difference a decade makes! The lower picture is from the 1958 SEARS catalogue showing just a few space-related toys including a very cool rocket transporter a la Spacex! But just look at the bumper selection on offer 12 years later in the 1970 JC PENNEYS catalogue! One year earlier Man had landed on the Moon and doesn't it show. There's MARX scouts, rockets and that All-Terrain wedge-shaped climber is just great! Anyone got one? These pages are courtesy of those fabulous guys over at
Wishbook, where you can search dozens of American Christmas catalogues! Not much Project SWORD though as far as I can see, although Darth posted a pic of a Tarheel (I assume) Glider and Moonbus last year from
Wards catalogue (year?) with the Marx scouts and stilted Delta appearing once again . Nothing in colour though. Boo.
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