Whilst any aspiring astronaut was busily playing with his rockets and Project Sword toys on the garden lawn it was always good to have something nice to eat on hand, especially in summer! Ice Cream manufacturer Askeys came up with the ideal way to capitalise on the space race craze sweeping the UK during the summer of '69 and introduced a special plastic 'rocket cone' to supply their ice cream in as their vans rolled about the streets driving kids wild with anticipation. Not content with taking the pocket money off eager astronauts for ice cream, they cunningly devised a cool (excuse the pun) mail away offer too - five moon rocket tokens and five shillings bought you a Lone Star Gemini Capsule with astronaut to throw on the neighbours roof! I managed to grab one of these capsules on ebay a while ago after the ever resourceful Philosophic Toad showed me the original ad from TV21 in May 1969. Unfortunately, I was never able to get one of the rocket cones - I wonder if anyone remembers them or even still has one... ?
6Yummy, Wotan, I'm right there with ya eating that rocket cone! Woodsy
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