Here's a new one, a vintage SWORD/THUNDERBIRDS - style spinning top! I love it. Of West German origin, it's 19 cm wide and 23 cm high. The silver rocket is clearly meant to be Thunderbird 2 and even more amazing are the images of the Moon Prospector and the Scramble Bug in the background! Don't know what the thing is in the middle with LBZ on it? But how cool is this toy!
PS. Paul Vreede has since explained LBZ:
Hi Paul,dunno what that thing on the spinning top might be, but probably
somebody's idea of an unmanned moon landing probe or just possibly a
LEM-like thing. LBZ stands for Lorenz Bolz Zirndorf, well-known tin- toy
manufacturers located in Zirndorf a couple miles west of Nuremberg (where
most of the historic German toy producers have been established since the
early days).Best--Paul
PS2. Another manufacturer of West German space-related spinning tops is BALLEIS.
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