I went to see the remade THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL last week. I was excited as the original 1950's version is one of my favourite sci-fi films. So much of the film is simply iconic - the world-destroying robot GORT, the silver space-ship, KLATU's completion of impossible atomic equations on the blackboard and most iconic of all, the scene where GORT is prevented from detsroyong the world with the words KLATU BARADA NICTO - a phrase I always keep handy just in case I run into the big silver guy!
Needless to say, the modern remake, as is mostly the way, was nowhere near as atmospheric, probably because it was in colour. Keanu Reeves didn't make a convincing KLATU but he tried. GORT, however, was excellent - huge, powerful and relentless - trouble is we just didn't see enough of him. MORE GORT PLEASE!
I found the above picture on the net with child star
BILL MUMY clutching the original GORT head! Bill was the boy Will Robinson in the seminal 1960's
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