Rob Godwin, keen US Project Sword collector and NASA author has written a cool book 'The Lunar Exploration Scrapbook' ( see link below). About the pictures supplied by my good friend Wotan for the blog, Rob says 'The picture at the top is the Grumman Mobile Base Simulator. There is three pages about it in my book. It is currently at the Cradle of Aviation museum in Long Island. I actually created a full texture mapped 3D wireframe of it for my book and then animated it to show how it would have been deployed on the moon.
'The next picture is an artist's rendering of Krafft Ehricke's design for a nuclear deep space ferry. I am about to publish a whole book about him in the near future in conjunction with his estate called "Krafft Ehricke's Extraterrestrial Imperative".
'The third picture is also in my book and is the General Motors MTA (Mobility Test Article) GM-1. It was tested at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in 1967 (where the picture was taken). It is one of dozens of rovers pictured in my book that were tested. However, the Scramble Bug was based on a Boeing design called the MOLAB Model 25-52106 (also in my book along with ten other Boeing designs.)'.
There'll be more from Rob and pictures of his stunning American Tarheel Project Sword collection this week!
Thanks a bunch Rob!
The link to Rob's Lunar Exploration Scrapbook on Amazon UK is http://www.amazon.co.uk/Lunar-Exploration-Scrapbook-Apogee-Books/dp/1894959698
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